Tips to Regain Balance in Life


Influencer, stay-at-home mom, or a young professional - no matter what your do for work we all have those days when we feel overworked and overwhelmed. We may stay up late and wake up early to accomplish more, but after a while this may turn into a negative cycle that leaves us drained. How can we enjoy life while working? Here are some tips we use to regain our balance.  

 Our Favorite: Change your routine - yes we all know having some type of schedule reduces stress, but adding a random surprise to your routine can change your whole day.

How to do this: On a day when you have to stick to a schedule, like on a work day, go out for lunch instead of packing one, wake up and buy a cup of coffee or skip your workout. You will be surprised how this small choice changes your outlook for the entire day.

2. Do something creative.

How to do this: Regularly work on your hobby, that way you can see your skill grow. Or too busy to take a class to expand your creativity? See if they can meet via an online platform. This will cut down on commute time and you can use that time to either relax or check something off your to-do list


3. Play some of your favorite upbeat songs.

 How to do this: Go to your favorite streaming platform and search for pre-made playlists with search terms like: "motivation", or search for "workout music" in your favorite genre, this is curated to be stimulating, and will put you in a upbeat mood, even when you are not in the gym.

4. Carve out family time

How to do this: The key here is planning ahead. This way you have something to look forward too. Something like a picnic can involve everyone and can be easy on the budget.


 5. Write three things that bring you joy
How to do this: Get a special journal that features a design you love and simply write three (or more!)  things that bring you joy. We love our guided journals specially imported from the UK!

Any other tips you use to regain balance? Let us know on instagram or facebook! @janetandjofashion.

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