Summer and Spring is inevitably the time when we bring even more color to our wardrobe. Jewelry here at Janet and Jo is our secret weapon to elevate any outfit, no matter what your style. But how can neutrals add a pop of "color" if you are already wearing them? Or what about when you choose vibrant colors?
1. Neutrals. Yes if you love gentle earth tones and want to wear all neutrals go for it! To add a pop of "color" with another neutral here's the tip: just make sure the neutral is patterned! This adds visual interest and is an easy way to elevate any outfit.
Handmade Hypoallergenic Black and white Striped Earring
2. Color. If you live for color you can balance your vibrant pallet with a black and white. This too adds a fascinating layer to your outfit and you will still stand out!
Onyx Mini Hoop Hypoallergenic and Handmade